Friday, March 6, 2009


Although this is my third time watching outfoxed, it is still an impactful and thought provoking movie.

It is so hard to be unbiased in the news world. First we are all human and we are biased by nature, second almost all news sources are funded by some big corporation or a bunch of small ones. The advertisers also have an indirect say as to what is reported and what isn't, those are known as gatekeepers. The gatekeepers are usually the editors or the someone around that status, and they decide what gets reported on and what doesn't. The gatekeepers usually have the advertisers in mind when they decide what is reported.

In Outfoxed we saw how Rupert Murdoch is the gatekeeper for Fox News and he sends out memos as to what gets reported and how it is portrayed. As an aspiring journalist this is extremely terrifying to me. I want to report the news as news, not as a version of it, but to get to a position to really make a change I know I will have to play the game for awhile. My only hope is that I don't get lost along the way.

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