Wednesday, February 4, 2009

An odd way to start a (possible) internship

At my father's house for his annual Super bowl Party there were so many people, most of them I knew from working with him, some my family, some my sorta-family, and some I had no clue. While I was at the Tiki Bar, my dad introduced me to a woman, named Michele McDonald. Michele works for SCENE NY Magazine; she is the Assistant Society Entertainment Editor. We started talking about her magazine, and my major, some of the events we have covered separately, and need for an internship. She told me about the new section of the magazine SCENE is opening up with and how they are going to start to look for interns soon.

I had never heard of SCENE NY Magazine until I met Michele, but after checking out the website, it looks like something that touches upon all of my interests. The major categories for the magazine are Restaurants, Nightlife, Travel, Music, Fashion, etc.  My favorite part of the magazine is that it encompasses everything from "Manhattan to Montauk." 

She gave me her card, and naturally being in the age of technology I looked her up on facebook. We "facebooked" each other a couple of times, and we are in the process of setting up a lunch date for next week. This just reinstates my belief that no matter ho much you know, it's about who you know.

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