Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Role of a Copy Editor

I feel that the role of a copy editior does have a place in my life. I am the type of person who types out full sentences while texting. I write "you're" instead of "ur." Also my spelling and grammar are not the greatest. I know that it is important to be able to pick out the problems as a copy editior, I feel that becoming one will greatly improve my grammar skills.

I detest getting text messages from my friends that have numbers in the middle of a bunch of letters, or when a new "slang" word comes out and it means somethign compleelty different from it's original meaning. I think that the informalness of texts, e-mails, and IMs are leading to the demise of the way we speak and write. Now don't get me wrong, I use "lol" all the time, but I try and make sure things are spelled correctly and that my messages make sense, which is more than I can say for most people my age.

Copy editing to me is a valuable asset.